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Community vs the “self” generation

I love selfies. I live on social media. And I’m pretty self- sufficient. I’m starting to wonder if there is something our generation is getting a lil mixed up. Maybe our focus is just a bit skewed. 

We are most equipped and advised to be the center of our universe: self care, self help, self love. I don’t think it’s as simple as saying that these things are wrong per say. But it definitely isn’t getting us anywhere is it? We seem to be circling the same mountains. I know I feel that way. Dr Caroline Leaf a cognitive neuro scientist says that even research is pointing us in a different direction. According to her conclusions from research, the way to combat loneliness , feelings of abandonment etc is not more introspection or self care but actually reaching out to care for others. Some of the most inspiring stories and the happiest people come from cultural backgrounds where community is of central importance. And for those of us who believe in God The Bible tells us all of these things. In our bible study group we are currently studying the Acts 2 church. The OG’s. When you read the passages these guys were radical; well at least in today’s standards. They met daily, did everything together, even sold property so that there was no physical need in that group. And thousands were saved and added to them DAILY. Galatians 6:2 says: “Carry one another’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the requirements of the Law of Christ”. This is Paul instructing the church (us). There are many more scriptural references but one that I keep coming back to is James. Because this one shook me guys. In James 5 (I’m paraphrasing here but go read the entire book it’s next level) it says that we should confess our sins and pray for one another and we will be healed which just precedes the famous verse about the prayer of a righteous man availing much. The entire early church is telling us that community is key. And where there is unity (comm- unity) God commands a blessing. Ok so now that I’ve laid a foundation of why community is important. Let me tell you about an area that I struggle with. Asking for help It’s a simple thing I know but one that God has been highlighting for me. Like I said in the beginning I’m pretty self sufficient. I struggle with things, as we all do, but I kind of keep that struggle to myself. Yeah I may ask people to pray but when I am faced with a: “ what can I do?” Or “How can we practically help you?”. I don’t even know how to answer. I struggle with really letting people in. On Sunday we heard the story of the paralyzed man on the mat and his 4 friends. You know the story in Mark 2. I’ve heard it so many times. What amazed me initially were the 4 friends. We all probably would carry a loved one no questions asked. But to be desperate enough for someone else’s healing that you would dig a hole in a roof. Well that’s community. But then the man on the mat is who I really relate to if I’m honest. I feel like the weak one. Probably because physically I struggle with chronic illness. I wonder if that man was like me and didn’t even ask for his friends help, he was just trying to get by as best he could. I wonder if he felt self conscious and ashamed as they carried him. Because I felt weak and ashamed when a friend had to carry me in to the car and 3 friends drove me to hospital while I was in agonizing pain. I wonder how many times he pretended he was ok, how many times he needed help but wouldn’t dare to ask. And then God showed me something: It’s pride. Not asking for help when you need it; is you being prideful. Gut. Wrenched. It was like a blow to the stomach and I started to protest. “But God I don’t want to be a burden. This is my lot in life, my cross. I can’t expect my friends to help me bear it.” He took me back to His Journey to the cross: “ Someone helped me carry Mine, are you stronger than me child”. He said it so gently. Convicted Jesus then reminded me that he always had people around: His family, The disciples. He even had a core 3. And I am trying to be more Christ like. He reminded me of all the verses I’ve told you about. And lastly: The Trinity. God Himself is always in communion with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. And so who was I to declare self sufficiency. Shook But that’s the bottom line I guess. Community is God’s perfect plan. This is just the tip of the iceberg but I hope it is a conversation starter for you. I know I’m still fleshing this thing out but the first step is finding out what God’s truth is about something and then applying it to your life. Be blessed Doe 

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