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Walk For Freedom

The first time human trafficking was brought closer to my world was back in 2012 when I was asked to play the role of a human trafficking victim in a PSA video done by a friend of mine. It was quite intense to literally rip my clothes and rub dirt all over my skin and then be put in the back of a truck and pretend to be shot up with drugs and beaten. For some people out there this and much worse is actually their reality. I was shocked when my friend told me the statistics but to be honest I wasn’t moved to do anything. We all kind of know that human trafficking happens, that modern day slavery is real but maybe like me it is not very real to you. Or maybe, also like me, you just don’t think YOU could do anything about it. Well today I want to talk about something you (anyone really) can do: The Annual A21 Walk for Freedom.

My first walk was last year, I wouldn’t really call myself an activist but doing the walk taught me that we all need to be activists whether we feel like it or not. People are getting taken, having their souls and bodies ripped open. How can we not do something to stop it, how can it not be in our discussions on the platforms we are so privileged to have.

I know your question, I asked this myself before I did my first walk: how exactly does marching in single file in silence help a human trafficking victim? Well I can tell you from my personal experience that walking with that tape over my mouth did something in my heart. And I think as a society if we could all get these victims in our hearts we would stop seeing numbers and statistics and start seeing people and being moved to help them. Secondly on the walk you actually hand out flyers with information about human trafficking and resources: so in this “sacrifice” of an hour of your time you bring awareness which helps with prevention and resources to help. Thirdly all funds raised on the day go to A21 which actually works globally on prevention, protection, prosecution and partnership.

So, yes, we can all do something. As for me, I don’t want to be that girl that is so consumed with her own problems, that she sits idly by. There is a whole world of souls out there hurting and I want to do my bit to help with whatever is in my hand. After all is that not what we are all called to?

The annual Walk for Freedom happens on the 14 October this year. For more info on this or on A21 in general you can visit:

South African National Human Trafficking Resource Line: 0800222777 or

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